Available in a variety of  modules, allowing you to purchase only the parts you need, and expand as necessary. >>More

Securing your production office and studio site against hackers and pirates is crucial to protecting your profits. >>More

"It's the Star Trek of production management.  I watched them import a 108 page script and produce a working production board in full color in 45 seconds."
30 Year Veteran UPM

"Wicked awesome motion picture production system...a product long overdue."
Peter Bohush

Mindstar Congratulates Burt Rutan and the team at Scaled Composites on their historic flights.  Great Job!

In this day of media pirating and stolen intellectual property, can you afford to leave yourself at risk?  Our latest industry security assessment exposes some of the most common points of vulnerability.  Read More (PDF)

As the production world continues to embrace digital acquisition and playback, new technologies let filmmakers screen dailies using better  tools, and find the best take in their footage faster than ever before.  Read More


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